On this page you can find the most popular messages that our users have been using. Feel free to scroll down to the list, we are sure that you will find the right message for you card today.
You’re dependable, wonderful, and full of kindness. You’re my wife, the mother of our children, and one of my best friends. Because of you my life is filled with smiles, beautiful moments, and true love. Happy Mother’s Day!
We’ve created this amazing life together. It’s filled with a wonderful love that has made us who we are and has made our family what it is today. I’m so grateful to you for that! Happy Mother’s Day!
God has given me a woman that has proven to be a beautiful mother, a wonderful wife, and an amazing friend. I’m thankful to God for you being such a blessing in my life. Happy Mother’s Day!
You are one fabulous wife. You are a brilliant mother. You are a phenomenal woman. All that you do makes my life more wonderful than you may ever know. Happy Mother’s Day To You!
I don’t say it enough. I don’t say it loud enough. I don’t say it with as much passion as I feel. I don’t say it when I always should. But, here I go I married a fantastic woman and I want the world to know that I LOVE YOU with everything that I am!! Happy Mother’s Day!
Now’s the perfect time and this is the perfect place to say "Thank You", "I love you", and "You mean more to me than I can say!" Your care is there for me just like a mother’s love! Happy Mother’s Day!
You have played such an important part in my life and because of you, I am the person that I am today. I’m so thankful that you’re like a mom to me in every way! Happy Mother’s Day!
You mean more to our family than you know. You are wonderful, perfect, and I love you with all of my heart. Happy Mother’s Day To My Wife!
You give me so much of you just like a natural mother would do. So, today, I honor you because you have earned more than just that respect. You have earned all of my love! Happy Mother’s Day, "Mom"!
May the blessing of God fill your Mother’s Day and your life every day! Happy Mother’s Day To A Beautiful Aunt!
I have the best of all worlds by having you as my sweet and wonderful "second mom"! Lucky Me!!! Happy Mother’s Day To You!
You are one of the most genuine people that I know. That’s what makes you more special than you know! Happy Mother’s Day To You, Dear Aunt!
For all that you are to our children, I thank you. For all that you are to me, I honor and appreciate you from the bottom of my heart! Happy Mother’s Day!
My life would have been so different without you I’m thinking it would have been awfully boring! You’ve added so much to my life and I’m so grateful for you! Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day, Aunt! Wishing you beauty, a bounty of wonderful things, and some extra special moments that will make your day perfect!
Sending you hugs and lots of kisses for a Mother’s Day that’s full of love and special wishes! Happy Mother’s Day, Auntie!
Your friendship, your commitment to our family, and your love define my life. Life is wonderful because of you! Happy Mother’s Day To My Wife!
I sometimes wish that I knew all of the "right" words to say to let you know that I love with everything that I have and everything that I am. I hope that you understand. In a nutshell, you mean the world to me! Happy Mother’s Day To My Wife!
You deserve all of the honor and praise for all that you do. You are an excellent mother and sister. You are loved more than you may ever know! Happy Mother’s Day!
You’re not just my child. You are a mother. You are woman with her own responsibilities, tests, and experiences. You are an influence in the lives of your own children and in your family. May you continue to enjoy the success that you have experienced as a result of taking on the name Mother! Happy Mother’s Day, Daughter!
May your Mother’s Day be as beautiful, bright, and wonderful as you are. You mean so much to me and you’re love more than you may even know. Happy Mother’s Day, Godmother!
I’m lobbying for a new day, Aunt Day! It would be just like Mother’s Day but anybody that would be honored would have to be exactly like you. However, until that day happens, I want to wish you a fabulous Mother’s Day because you deserve that honor, too!
You have been the mother that I need. Even though you didn’t birth me, you’ve been a wonderful "mother" to me! Happy Mother’s Day!
I am so grateful to have you in my life my aunt, my confidante, my friend! Happy Mother’s Day!
You are loved, respected, and admired more than you’ll ever know. We are so proud to have you as our son and as the father for our wonderful grandchildren. Happy Father’s Day!
God gave me a grandmother to love, to admire, to respect, to appreciate, to follow, to obey, to listen to, to learn from, and to make me a better person. I’m so grateful for that! Happy Mother’s Day, Grandmom!
May God bless you with joys and success, now and always! I wish you a birthday that if filled with smiles and all the good things in life. Happy Birthday, sister!
You have given me great happiness just by being a part of my life. I’m grateful for that and am proud of who you have become an amazing mother that is worthy of respect, admiration, and praise. Happy Mother’s Day, Daughter!
Wishing you a First Mother’s Day that’s everything that you dreamed it could be. You are so loved and so appreciated. I want you to know that, today and always. Happy Mother’s Day To My Wife and The Mother Of My Child!
A Little Message From Your Mother .I knew from the moment that I saw you that you had the potential to be the best person ever. You have become that wonderful person, that amazing daughter, and that absolutely phenomenal mother. I’m so proud to call you my daughter. Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Birthday, dear sister! On your birthday, I want to take the opportunity to thank God for making you my sister. You have always come through for me in hard and difficult times. You have always brightened up my little world with your presence.
You’ve never turned me away and you’ve always made me feel like you wanted to be a part of my life. Thank You! I grow more and more proud each day to call you "Mom"! Happy Mother’s Day!
When I think of you, I think of happiness. You are such a happy person and you bring that to other people’s lives. May your Mother’s Day be as amazing as you are!
Having a brother that is a friend has been a big part of what has made my life happy. Thank you so much! Happy Valentine’s Day!
I hope that your Mother’s Day provides you with a day of serenity, smiles, and everything special. Happy Mother’s Day, Auntie!
Without you for a friend, my life would be less bright, less happy, and less fulfilled. You add so much to my life and I appreciate you for that! Happy Mother’s Day!
There are so many things that I am not but the one thing that I definitely am is SUPER LUCKY to have you! Happy Mother’s Day To My Wife!
You deserve a great day that’s filled with every wonderful thing! Happy Mother’s Day!
I don’t think that I could be more proud of you. You’re an awesome father and an amazing son! Happy Father’s Day, Son!
May your Mother’s Day be a day filled with fabulous things and tons of love! Happy Mother’s Day To My Wonderful Sister!
Wonderful things happen in our lives that make us glad. One of the most wonderful things to happen in my life was the moment that you were chosen to be my godmother. I am so blessed! Happy Mother’s Day!
Biologically, they say that my mother is someone else. But, my heart doesn’t see it that way because you’ve been like a mother to me and without you, my life would not be as great as it is today! Happy Mother’s Day!
From being my beautiful baby girl to becoming a beautiful woman, I’ve watched you, loved you, and admired you more than you’ll ever know. Happy Mother’s Day, Daughter!
One of my most awesome friends just so happens to be one of the most awesome moms on the planet! Happy Mother’s Day To You!
You have grown from a boy into a man and you have dedicated your life to your children. We could not have dreamed of having a better son and they could not have dreamed of having a better dad! Happy Father’s Day, Son!
Happy Valentine’s Day To My Wonderful Aunt I would not be who I am if I hadn’t had you in my life. You added sparkle, happiness, comfort, and love. May your Valentine’s Day be filled with all that you have given me!
You have grown to be someone that I can trust with my own feelings, someone that I can look to when I need a helping hand, and someone that is a remarkable example of resilience and strength. The fact that you’re my daughter makes me even more proud of who you are! Happy Mother’s Day!
May God forever fill your life with blessings, love, and happiness! Happy Mother’s Day!
Everyday, I thank God for making you my daughter and for making you the mother of my grandchildren. You are a special blessing in all of our lives! Happy Mother’s Day With Love!
You have been a great blessing in my life and in the lives of your own family. I’m so proud to call you my sister! Happy Mother’s Day!
God smiled on me when He gave me you to share my life with and love. I am truly blessed! Happy Mother’s Day To My Beloved Wife!
Our friendship is so much deeper than people can understand. It started with a true sisterly love and has evolved into a love and respect for each other that’s parallel to none! Thank you for being who you in my life! Happy Mother’s Day!
You are a gift from God a friend that I can count on and a wonderful model of a mother! I hope that you have a fantastic Mother’s Day!
We love you, Auntie! You’re a perfect part of our lives and our family! Happy Mother’s Day!
We may not always be together, but we are always connected in our hearts! Happy Mother’s Day To My Friend!
All things wonderful, happy, and absolutely fabulous that’s my wish for you this Mother’s Day!
Son, you’re doing a fantastic job being you and because of that, you are one of the most awesome dads and fantastic sons on the planet! Happy Father’s Day!
Where did the time go? One day you were my little one and the next day, it seemed, you had your own little one. I’ve loved every minute of having you in my life and wish you that same happiness with your own family. Happy Mother’s Day!
There is so much more to you than most people know or understand. Not only are you a fantastic mother, but you are an awesome woman that is deserving of appreciation and love. Happy Mother’s Day To You, Daughter!
One of the best gifts that our has ever received was the gift of you! Happy Mother’s Day, Aunt! May God forever bless you!