Christmas Time brings the joy of giving and receiving to the faces of children and adults alike. Presents under the Christmas tree bring excitement and smiles to everyone. And Christmas card messages with loving wish for Christmas from family and friends give everyone the feeling of warmth, love, and caring. Sometimes, however, people just want to say Merry Christmas or something funny, kind, or religious to work colleagues, organizations, and strangers. The Christmas wishes messages in this category represent more than 90 greetings for every type of Christmas card.
May every Christmas experience sparkle with happiness!
May the peace of the season help to keep you happy and calm on Christmas and all year long.
May you enjoy every happy thing and every miraculous moment during this holiday season! Merry Christmas!
May you have a Christmas that is as special as you. Happy Holidays!
May you have a season of Happiness and a new year of Amazing! Happy Holidays!
May you have a year that is as joyous as Christmastime!
May your Christmas be beary special!
May your Merry, Merry be Very, Very! Happy Holidays To All Of You!
May your holiday be as marvelous as you and those that mean a lot to you.
May your holiday be beyond magical and filled with the love of the season! Merry Christmas
May your holiday moments be as momentous and marvelous as your most magnificent dreams! Merry Christmas!
May your season be filled with snowflakes, smiles, and serenity. Merry Christmas!
May your season be filled with wondrous things both great and small! Merry Christmas!
No Christmas card could ever hold all of the sweet sentiments and holiday wishes that I’m sending your way. Merry Christmas!
No other time of year can compare. Christmas is just awesome!
Nobody told him that the popcorn string was fake! Merry Christmas!
OK this is a humble request from Santa. Think you could run those stockings through the washer before you put them by that hot fireplace? Stinky stockings and heat totally do not mix! Merry Christmas!
Peeee-ewww! Yeah, every stinking one of them wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas!
Please stop making Christmas more of a chore for Santa. Just get a chimney like everybody else, would ya! Merry Christmas!
Santa’s Christmas Eve perspective is a wee bit different from ours. That guy definitely has his work cut out for him! Merry Christmas!
Season’s Greetings for a joyous yet relaxing holiday.
Season’s Greetings for a monumental holiday! May your wishes, dreams, and greatest hopes fill your Christmas and New Year!
Seasons Greetings! May your Christmas be a major gift-fest!
Snow has a job to do. It works by swirling all around, floating all over us, and making us freeze our buns off! I say, "Great Job, Snow"! Merry Christmas!
The gift of happiness is what makes the holiday season more meaningful. Merry Christmas!
The holidays bring a lot of fun and scrumptious moments. Enjoy!
To Two Very Special People .Seasons Greetings for you and wishes for happiness, comfort, and joy, too!
We are sending Christmas wishes for a glorious holiday season! Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas! Hope you get all the merry you deserve!
We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a really cool holiday season!! From All of Us to A Very Special You!
What causes a flying reindeer to stop on the job? Those pesky lights from all of those airplanes. He just can’t help but freeze! Merry Christmas!
When you pop in my mind, it’s like a happiness explosion! Merry Christmas!
Who says you can’t have a phenomenal Christmas? Go make it happen!
Wishes for a serene holiday just for you. Happy Holidays!
You deserve a marvelous holiday season. My wish is that you have one! Merry Christmas!
You know what the holidays are about .way too much stuff to list on this little card. I’ll just say ENJOY IT ALL!! Merry Christmas!